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Automate Company ICP Search
Automate Company ICP Search
Carolina Portela avatar
Written by Carolina Portela
Updated over a month ago


This guide will walk you through automating your prospecting process by searching and enriching company data directly in Google Sheets using the Lusha’s Prospecting API. With this setup, you’ll be able to populate a list of companies based on specific filters, retrieve detailed company data, and track enrichment progress efficiently.

How it works?

Step 1: Create a Google Sheets Template

  • Start by making a new sheet on Google Sheets.

  • Name the sheet as "Sheet1" or update the variable sheetName in the script with your sheet name.

Step 2: Add the Script to Google Sheets

  1. Open your copied Google Sheets file.

  2. Navigate to Extensions > Apps Script.

  3. Delete any existing code in the script editor.

  4. Replace it with the provided script:

const SHEET_NAME = "Sheet1"; // Update this with your actual sheet name
const API_KEY = 'API key here'; // Replace with your actual API key
const BASE_URL = '';

function onOpen() {
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Lusha Actions')
.addItem('Search Companies', 'populateCompanies')
.addItem('Enrich Companies', 'enrichCompanies')

function getHeaders() {
return { 'api_key': API_KEY };

function getSheet() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
if (!sheet) {
throw new Error(`Sheet with name '${SHEET_NAME}' not found.`);
return sheet;

function setupHeaders(sheet) {
const headers = ['Account Name', 'Website', 'Company ID', 'Description', 'Employee Size', 'Main Industry', 'Sub Industry', 'Linkedin URL', 'Revenue', 'Founded (year)', 'Country', 'Country ISO2', 'City', 'State', 'Full Address', 'Continent', 'Specialities', 'SICS Code', 'SICS Description', 'NAICS Code', 'NAICS Description', 'Industry Tags'];
const headerRange = sheet.getRange("A4:V4");
if (!headerRange.getValues().flat().some(h => h)) {
// Add "Prospecting Page" label to A1 and set it to italic
const labelCell = sheet.getRange("A1");
labelCell.setValue("Prospecting Page");
// Set font weight to bold for the header row
// Apply full borders to the Account Name column (Column A)
const accountNameRange = sheet.getRange(5, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 3, 1); // From row 5, column 1, covering all rows below
accountNameRange.setBorder(true, true, true, true, true, true); // Apply full borders

function populateCompanies() {
const apiUrl = `${BASE_URL}/company/search/`;
const sheet = getSheet();
const userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();


// Pagination handling
const pageCell = sheet.getRange("A2");
let currentPage = Number(pageCell.getValue()) || 0;

const payload = {
pages: { page: currentPage, size: 40 },
filters: {
companies: {
include: {
locations: [{ country: "Mexico" }],
mainIndustriesIds: [18, 19, 20, 12, 13, 3, 16, 8],
sizes: [{ min: 51 }]

const options = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: getHeaders(),
payload: JSON.stringify(payload),
muteHttpExceptions: true

try {
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl, options);
const result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

if (result.requestId) {
userProperties.setProperty('requestId', result.requestId);

if ( && Array.isArray( {
const companyIds = => String(;
userProperties.setProperty('companyIdsList', JSON.stringify(companyIds));
pageCell.setValue(currentPage + 1);
} else {
Logger.log("No data found in response.");
} catch (error) {
Logger.log('Request failed: ' + error.message);

function appendToSheet(sheet, companies) {
const data = => [ || '', // Account Name
company.fqdn || '', // Website (fqdn from API)
company.mainIndustry || '', // Industry
company.companySize?.employees_in_linkedin || company.employees || '', // Employee Size
company.revenueRange?.[0] || '', // Revenue
company.foundedYear || '', // Founded || '' // Country

const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
const startRow = lastRow < 4 ? 5 : lastRow + 1;

sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, data.length, data[0].length).setValues(data);
// Apply full borders to the Account Name column (Column A)
const accountNameRange = sheet.getRange(5, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 3, 1); // From row 4 to the last row in column A
accountNameRange.setBorder(true, true, true, true, true, true); // Apply full borders
Logger.log("Companies appended to the sheet.");

function enrichCompanies() {
const apiUrl = `${BASE_URL}/company/enrich`;
const sheet = getSheet();
const userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();

const requestId = userProperties.getProperty('requestId');
const companyIdsList = JSON.parse(userProperties.getProperty('companyIdsList') || '[]');

if (!requestId || companyIdsList.length === 0) {
Logger.log("No requestId or company IDs available for enrichment.");

const lastDataRow = sheet.getLastRow();
const startRow = lastDataRow - companyIdsList.length + 1;

companyIdsList.forEach((companyId, i) => {
const row = startRow + i;
const payload = {
requestId: requestId,
companiesIds: [companyId]

const options = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: getHeaders(),
payload: JSON.stringify(payload),
muteHttpExceptions: true

try {
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl, options);
const result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

if (result.companies && result.companies.length > 0) {
const companyData = result.companies[0];
const enrichedRow = [
companyData.fqdn || '', // Website || '', // Company ID
companyData.description || '', // Description
companyData.employees || '', // Employees
companyData.mainIndustry || '', // Main Industry
companyData.subIndustry || '', // Sub Industry || '', // LinkedIn URL
companyData.revenueRange?.[0] || '', // Revenue Range
companyData.founded || '', // Founded Year || '', // Country
companyData.countryIso2 || '', // Country ISO 2 || '', // City
companyData.state || '', // State
companyData.rawLocation || '', // Raw Location
companyData.continent || '', // Continent
companyData.specialities || '', // Specialties
// Extract NAICS and SICS
companyData.industryPrimaryGroupDetails?.sics?.[0]?.sic || '', // SICS Code
companyData.industryPrimaryGroupDetails?.sics?.[0]?.sic_description || '', // SICS Description
companyData.industryPrimaryGroupDetails?.naics?.[0]?.naics || '', // NAICS Code
companyData.industryPrimaryGroupDetails?.naics?.[0]?.naics_label || '', // NAICS Description
companyData.industryTags || '', // Tags
sheet.getRange(row, 2, 1, enrichedRow.length).setValues([enrichedRow]);
} catch (error) {
Logger.log(`Enrichment failed for companyId ${companyId}: ${error.message}`);

Logger.log("Enrichment completed.");

Step 3: Customize and Run

Make sure to provide your API Key to enable communication with Lusha’s API. You can access your API key here (only admins and managers have access to this page).

Once you have your API key, locate the lines below in your script:

const apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY HERE';

Before running the script, you must configure it to match your prospecting needs. Here’s how to customize the filters and set up your API key. This script template includes pre-configured filters for:

Country: Currently set to "Mexico".

Industries: Set by their IDs (e.g., [18, 19, 20, 12, 13, 3, 16, 8]).

Company Size: Minimum size set to 51 employees.

You can modify these filters to match your prospecting needs:

In the script, locate the payload object in the populateCompanies() function.

Adjust the following fields:

locations: Change the country to target other regions.

mainIndustriesIds: Update the industry IDs based on your focus. Refer to the Lusha API documentation for available industry IDs.

sizes: Modify the min field to set the minimum company size.

Make sure to save the script after applying your changes. These customizations allow the script to tailor the company prospecting process to your requirements while ensuring your API key is securely embedded.

Step 4: Review and Analyze Results

  1. Go back to your Google Sheet.

  2. Open the “Lusha Actions” menu added by the script.

  3. Select “Search Companies” to populate the sheet with companies matching your filters.

  4. Use “Enrich Companies” to retrieve detailed data for the listed companies.


If issues arise during the process:

  • Error Messages: Check the Status Code and Message columns for details on failures (e.g., invalid Company name, missing API key).

  • Invalid JSON Response: Verify that your API key is correct and that the sheet data matches the expected input structure

  • Rate Limits: If the API returns rate-limit errors, consider spacing out requests or upgrading your API plan.

The flow is now finished 🔥

💡 Note: This feature is only available on our Scale plans.

If you have any questions on the above feel free to reach out the support team via live chat from the Lusha website, your Lusha Dashboard, or via email-

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