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SIC and NAICS filters

Filter by Industry codes with SIC & NAICS filters to get more accurate results.

Shani Segev avatar
Written by Shani Segev
Updated over 2 months ago


SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes are systems used to group businesses based on their primary activities. These codes help you quickly find and target companies in specific industries, saving time and improving efficiency.

SIC Codes

Each SIC code is a 4-digit number representing a specific industry or business activity. The codes are hierarchical, with broader categories at the top and more specific ones at the bottom.

SIC codes are commonly used for:

  • Market research and competitive analysis

  • Identifying industries for B2B sales and marketing

  • Government reporting and regulations


73xx: Business Services

7372: Prepackaged Software


NAICS uses a 6-digit code system, offering finer granularity and covering new industries not addressed by SIC.

NAICS codes are commonly used for:

  • Targeting specific industries in prospecting

  • Conducting economic and market analysis

  • Facilitating trade and industry research


54xxxx: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

541511: Custom Computer Programming Services

Use case

SIC and NAICS codes can be essential for identifying and targeting companies in specific industries. By filtering businesses based on these codes, you can:

  • Precision Targeting: Quickly find companies that align with your ideal customer profile.

  • Customizable Searches: Tailor your search to include multiple codes or mix codes with industry types.

  • Time Efficiency: Easily locate relevant businesses without manually reviewing broader categories.

  • Focused Outreach: Understand a company’s primary activities and craft tailored messaging that resonates.

These filters help streamline prospecting efforts, ensuring you spend time on the leads that matter most.

How it works?

SIC and NAICS filters are available under the Industry filter, allowing users to search companies based on industry codes.

Begin by entering a single SIC or NAICS code into the filter to focus on a specific industry. For example, if you’re targeting the software sector, use the relevant SIC/NAICS code to find companies that meet this criterion.

To refine your results further, pair a general industry type (e.g., "Technology" or "Healthcare") with corresponding SIC or NAICS codes.

This combination ensures you’re narrowing the scope to companies that fit both the broader category and the precise classification.

To find relevant companies quickly and easily, you can add multiple SIC or NAICS codes within the same search query. This is particularly useful for covering a range of sub-industries or related sectors in one go, making it faster to locate relevant companies.

💡 Note: Using more filters will narrow down your search results.

To achieve even more accurate results, you can use both NAICS and SIC codes together. This approach increases precision and ensures you’re capturing a comprehensive list of companies that fit your search criteria 🚀

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