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Prospecting with Lusha on HubSpot
Prospecting with Lusha on HubSpot

Learn how our Lusha Extension add-on instantly reveals and enriches your contacts and opportunities in HubSpot.

Ella Madar avatar
Written by Ella Madar
Updated over a week ago

Available to all Lusha Extension users who use HubSpot.

Use cases:

  • Fix data silos in HubSpot

  • Complete each record with accurate data

  • Replace tab switching with end-to-end prospecting

  • Simplify ABM prospecting

How it works:

Lusha on HubSpot automates prospecting in two ways:

  • Contact pages = contact enrichment

  • Company pages = Account based prospecting for ABM (account based marketing) and ABS (account based sales)

Contact enrichment

To enrich any HubSpot contact with missing details and faulty information:

  • Go to any Contact page

  • Please make sure the company side menu in Hubspot is open like this:

  • Open Lusha Extension and check if Lusha has contact information on the contact.

  • Click Show contact to get the contact’s direct dial, phone number, and email address.

  • Click Save contact to save all this rich and fresh data to:

    A new list on your Lusha dashboard > click Create then Save

    A platform: Salesforce, Outreach, Salesloft, HubSpot, Pipedrive, or Zoho > click Save

Account-based prospecting from HubSpot

Identify key accounts in your HubSpot and the right people to reach out to within that account.

  • Go to any Company page

  • Open Lusha Extension on HubSpot and get an instant snapshot of the company, including key information and its employees

  • Start to prospect on HubSpot: Search by name or title, filter by department, seniority, contact location, or data type.

  • Email the contact directly from the Extension menu or auto-dial from HubSpot.

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