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Hubspot Common Errors

Have you received an error from Hubspot and weren’t sure how to proceed? You are in the right place!

Hila avatar
Written by Hila
Updated over a week ago


Integrating HubSpot with third-party tools like Lusha can sometimes lead to various error messages, each with distinct causes and solutions.

By understanding these common errors and their solutions, users can ensure a smoother integration between HubSpot and Lusha.

💡Note: Most of the issues below can only be solved by a Hubspot Super admin and a Lusha admin. In many cases, it is the same person.

Commun Errors

“X was not one of the allowed options” error message

When you add a “predefined value” on Lusha field mapping to a picklist field on Hubspot, you need to insert the exact value of the one you want to choose from the list. Due to case sensitivity, it may be because of the error above.

It will look like this:

How to solve this?

Make sure the value is the same as it is configured on Hubspot.

Please note the label may be different from the actual value. In the example above, you can see that the label is “In Progress” but the actual value is “IN_PROGRESS”, therefore the value on the field mapping needs to be - IN_PROGRESS.

Unable to connect Lusha and HubSpot

When trying to save contacts from Lusha to HubSpot and facing an issue with the connection “Couldn’t complete the connection, you don’t have permissions to connect this app”

Normally this issue will happen to HubSpot users who don’t have enough permissions to integrate with other integrations.

How to solve this?

Usually, the issue is coming from the Hubspot side, it is related to user permissions on Hubspot.

You can read those 2 below articles from Hubspot:

💡 If needed please contact your Hubspot administrator in your company so they can adjust those permissions.

If the issue persists after following the above, try changing the user's permissions to Super Admin (which is recommended for users who integrate with other platforms). the users can then attempt to save contact using Lusha.

Lusha will then ask the user to select the HubSpot instance and confirm the integration, once completed you can then change their HubSpot permissions back to the normal user settings.

Refresh Token

It looks like the integration token just needs a refresh 😊

API tokens are small snippets of code built to secure API access, and they can expire every once in a while.

It will look like this:

'missing or invalid refresh token'

How to solve this?

  1. Go to Integrations on Lusha.

  2. Disconnect the integration with Hubspot.

  3. In a new tab, go to Hubspot and log out of your account.

  4. Refresh Lusha.

  5. Connect the Hubspot integration again (you should be prompted to sign in to Hubspot through a pop-up window).

Duplicate Property Value

Enumeration is the action of mentioning several things one by one or the action of establishing the number of something. When adding a value to an enumeration field, it has to be one value at a time.

In the following example, a predefined value of a Contact Owner field has been added again, although it's automatically added during the saving process of the prospect.

Once the user adds the predefined value of this field, it creates a duplicate property value that causes this error.

How to solve this?

Remove the duplicate field from your Lusha Field mapping tab.

"Read-Only" Properties issue (Reaching HubSpot API has failed)

Some of HubSpot’s properties can’t be edited, but those properties (fields) are displayed on the field mapping settings. As a result, if you try to save a value from Lusha to one of those properties, an error message will be returned - “Reaching HubSpot API has failed”.

If you go to HubSpot, you will be able to see that some of the properties have “--” under them, without having the option to edit. When you go to the HubSpot field mapping settings, you will be able to see those properties (fields) available on the dropdown list.

If a property that cannot be edited will be chosen, you will get the error message mentioned above. Check the screenshot below:

How to solve this?

The best solution for this issue will be to remove “Read-only” properties (fields) from the field mapping settings.

“Property values were not valid/do not exist” error message

This error indicates that the following fields do not exist on the user’s Hubspot account. If the fields that are set in the field mapping do not exist in the Hubspot account, Lusha will pull the details to non-existing fields, and this will create an error.

In a case like this, it will most likely mean you have more than 1 account on Hubspot.

The correct Hubspot account can be integrated with Hubspot, but it can be on a different Hubspot account. Changing your Hubspot account will solve this problem.

To check which Hubspot account you’re using, press on your profile on the top right corner of Hubspot, and then press on the account ID. If there is another account, it will open a little pop-up on the side with the other accounts -

After you switch over to the other account, try saving a new contact through Lusha to Hubspot, and it should take you to the Hubspot login page and it should work.

If this step doesn’t work, please ask the Lusha admin to disconnect the Hubspot integration and then reconnect it. It will take you to the Hubspot login page, and you will have to choose which Hubspot account to log into. At this stage, tell them to make sure to choose the correct Hubspot account.

“Names for properties should be lowercase and have less than 100 characters” error message

One of the values that Lusha is trying to pull to Hubspot is too long. The default setting for the fields on Hubspot is up to 100 characters, and if the value that Lusha is trying to populate that field with is longer than 100 characters, it will create an error.

The value will most likely be the Company Website URL/Industry, but it can be other values as well, depending on the error.

How to solve this?

Once you locate the right field, in this case, the Company Website URL there are 2 solutions:

  1. If you wish to keep this field - Contact your Hubspot Administrator and update the settings for this specific field on Hubspot, to allow more than 100 characters to be saved.

  2. If you don’t wish to keep this field - You can erase the field from the Lusha field mapping and save the changes, and then try to save the contact again.

Only the 1st last name was exported

When trying to export a contact that has two last names, it export to Hubspot only the first last name.

How to solve this?

At the moment we support only 1 last name to be exported. However, as a workaround, a field of "Full Name" can be added to your field mapping in Lusha.

Before adding this field, make sure to add the same property to Hubspot.

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