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Bullhorn Common Errors

Have you received an error from Bullhorn and weren’t sure how to proceed? You're in the right place! All Bullhorn troubleshooting is here.

Hila avatar
Written by Hila
Updated over a week ago


Integrating Bullhorn with third-party tools like Lusha can sometimes lead to various error messages, each with distinct causes and solutions.

By understanding these common errors and their solutions, users can ensure a smoother integration between Bullhorn and Lusha.

💡Note: Most of the issues below can only be solved by a Bullhorn admin and a Lusha admin. In many cases, it is the same person.

Commun Errors

Reaching Bullhorn API has failed

Users and admins might get the ‘reaching bullhorn API’ error from time to time. It’s a very common error in Bullhorn.

It will look like this:

How to solve this?

Please try the following steps:

1. ‘Disconnect’ the integration.

2. Log out from the Lusha account and the Bullhorn itself.

3. Once done, log back into Lusha and Bullhorn + re-connect the integration via the 'Integrations' tab.


“Property value too long. Property name: XXXX, max length XXX” error

one of the values that Lusha is trying to pull to Bullhorn is too long. The setting for the fields on Bullhorn is up to a limited number of characters, and if the value that Lusha is trying to populate that field with is longer than that amount, it will create an error.

It will look like this:

How to solve this?

Once you locate the right field, in this case, the Company Website URL there are 2 solutions:

  1. If you wish to keep this field - Contact your Bullhorn Administrator and update the settings for this specific field on Bullhorn, to allow more than 100 characters to be saved.

  2. If you don’t wish to keep this field - You can erase the field from the Lusha field mapping and save the changes, and then try to save the contact again.

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