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How to cancel your Lusha subscription
How to cancel your Lusha subscription

If you would like to cancel or permanently delete your account from Lusha, you have arrived at the right place!

Shani Segev avatar
Written by Shani Segev
Updated over 4 months ago

You can cancel the renewal of your plan at any time for any reason.

Your subscription renews automatically every subscription period unless a cancellation request is submitted.

💡 Note: Only the account admin can unsubscribe from Lusha.

How do our plans work?

With an annual plan, you'll receive your credits upfront and will pay upfront. It means all credits for an annual plan are given once per year and not monthly.

When you purchase an annual plan, you commit to a full year at a discounted price (25% off). 🚀

With a monthly plan, you pay per month and get the credits per month. You can unsubscribe when you want with no penalty. 🙏🏻

💡 Note:

To instantly delete or close your free account, please reach out to our support team via email - or using our website chat (on the bottom right side).

Please note once your account is deleted, you won't have access to the data you've saved so far.

How to cancel a paid subscription

  1. Log in to your Lusha dashboard and tap your name.

  2. Go to the Account & Settings tab and select Payments & Subscription.

  3. Tap 'Cancel Plan'.

  4. Select 'Next'.

  5. Please select your reason for canceling and click 'Submit'.

6. Under 'Subscriptions', you can check when your plan will be expired.

About canceling your subscription:

  • Once your account turns free, the data you collected with Lusha will still be available, but you won't be able to export it since it's a paid feature. Therefore, we recommend exporting your Lusha Lists before canceling.

  • You’ll still have access to the remaining credits till the end of the credit cycle. (Your subscription last date)

  • Once the subscription is canceled, at the end of the current cycle all your stored credits will be reset and your plan will have a few free monthly credits.

  • If you have a scale plan, the changes requested will be applied at the end of your subscription term, as indicated in the original quote. For any further queries, please contact your customer success manager.

💡 Please note that we can't commit to offering the same terms as your current subscription in the future.

To learn more about Lusha’s cancellation policies, see our terms of service.

Change you plan

If you wish to upgrade your account, adding seats or credits please follow this article: Upgrade your account.

To change your plan or downgrade, you will need to first cancel the renewal of the plan mentioned in the steps above.

At the end of the cycle, your plan will become a free plan and you will be able to purchase a new one.

Once the subscription is canceled, at the end of the current cycle, all your stored credits will reset and your plan will have a few free monthly credits.

For any issues or questions, you can reach out to or tap on Lusha's icon at the bottom right of your screen.


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